
Gmsh algorithm numbering
Gmsh algorithm numbering

gmsh algorithm numbering
  1. #Gmsh algorithm numbering code#
  2. #Gmsh algorithm numbering free#

If dim’ is >= 0, return only the entities of the specified dimension. Get all the physical groups in the current model. Physical entities to Elementary entities Basics Name Numerous useful functions are provided by GMSH API, even Lagrange (and their Gradient) basis function. Segment tags composing Line (1 ) Number of nodes per segment: 2 Element Tag (1 )= Element Tag (2 )= Element Tag (3 )= Element Tag (4 )= Element Tag (5 )= Element Tag (6 )= Element Tag (7 )= Element Tag (8 )= Element Tag (9 )= Element Tag (10 )= Integration points, jacobian, FEM basis functions, … Return elementName, dim, order, numNodes, nodeCoord, numPrimaryNodes.Īs for the node, you can copy/paste these lines before gmsh.write("square.msh"): Get the properties of an element of type elementType: its name( elementName), dimension ( dim), order ( order), number of nodes( numNodes), coordinates of the nodes in the reference element( nodeCoord vector, of length dim times numNodes) and number ofprimary (first order) nodes ( numPrimaryNodes). Get the elements of type elementType classified on the entity of tag tag. GetElementsByType(elementType, tag=-1, task=0, numTasks=1) Get the types of elements in the ( elementary) entity of dimension dim and ( elementary) tag tag. Return elementTypes, elementTags, nodeTags Get the elements classified on the ( elementary) entity of dimension dim and ( elementary) tag tag. This is a sometimes useful but inefficient way of accessing elements, as it relies on a cache stored in the model. Get the type and node tags of the element with ( elementary) tag tag. Nodes tag on Physical Line 1 Nodes coordinates on Physical Line 1 [0.

#Gmsh algorithm numbering free#

Make sure to quickly write down the Gmsh volume tags of the outer region, dike and channel and the surface tags of the free surface and the underground boundary of the box.

#Gmsh algorithm numbering code#

Start from the code meshing a square that has been given above and override these line can be found in the Tools Statistics window. The other arguments are treated as in getNodes. Get the nodes classified on the entity of tag tag, for all the elements of type elementType. GetNodesByElementType(elementType, tag=-1, returnParametricCoord=True) Get the nodes from all the elements belonging to the physical group of dimension dim and tag tag. Get the nodes classified on the entity of dimension dim and tag tag. GetNodes(dim=-1, tag=-1, includeBoundary=False, returnParametricCoord=True) Generally, the first quantity of the returned array is what you want. Get the coordinates and the parametric coordinates (if any) of the node with tag tag. For example, to call getNode(12), you should type (12). Methods to get and modify mesh element are placed in the namespace.

Gmsh algorithm numbering