
Agenda 21 glenn beck
Agenda 21 glenn beck

She curled into my arm and I let her suck on my finger. Would the Enforcers or the Gatekeepers hear her?ĭavid stopped and handed Elsa to me. The damp, slippery ground was uneven under our feet.Įlsa began to cry, a piercing sound that cut through the silence of the forest. Behind us we heard shouts and gunshots flames licked the black night sky. We moved quickly toward the sound of running water somewhere ahead of us. ExcerptĪgenda 21: Into the Shadows CHAPTER ONE EMMELINE Day 1

agenda 21 glenn beck

Fleeing the armed enforcers of the Earth Protection Agency, and facing the unknown for the first time in their lives, Emmeline and her partner David run into the shadows in the desperate hope of finding something they’d only heard stories about from those who’d lived before the Relocations: freedom. When Emmeline’s questions lead to the realization that she will never see her child again, she decides to escape the Compound. What happened to her mom? Why is everyone confined to grim living spaces and made to eat the same food cubes every day? Why was her own baby taken from her to be raised in the Children’s Village? And are those who got away during the Relocations-the so-called shadow people-merely a rumor?

agenda 21 glenn beck

When the Authorities took her mother away, she started questioning the world around her. It was once named America, but now it is just “the Republic.” Following the worldwide implementation of a UN-led program called Agenda 21, the once-proud people of America have become obedient residents who live in barren, brutal Compounds and serve the autocratic, merciless Authorities.Ĭitizens mainly keep their heads down and their mouths shut-but Emmeline is different.

agenda 21 glenn beck

The sequel to Agenda 21-which Brad Thor called “a brilliantly written, exhilarating, pulse-pounding adventure”-from #1 New York Times bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck.

Agenda 21 glenn beck